Thursday, May 23, 2019

A tourist day in Porto

There are way too many photos to share about this day, it was beautiful, sunny, not too hot, and we saw so much of this wonderful city!
We began with a walking tour put together by our walking partner, Benny Biesmans.  
Above is probably the worlds most distinctive McDonalds, in Porto.
We thought about going into the bookstore above, which influenced J. K. Rowling’s descriptions of Hogwarts, but if you look carefully you can see the ridiculously long line to visit - not today.
Above is the Porto version of city hall.
We climbed to the top of this church tower!  And enjoyed many, many views of blue tile mosaics on churches and public buildings.
The church interiors were impressive, too!
We floated on the River Douro, 
and looked for signs of our Camino de Santiago path.
Ended our afternoon with a tour of Sandeman winery, makers of, you guessed it, port wine!!
After dinner we sat and plotted our first day on the Camino, a fairly easy beginning of about 20km, aiming for a municipal albergue in Vila’ Cha.  Goodbye, cushy tourist life, hello, pilgrim journey!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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