Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday May 28 Vilia Praia de Ancora PT to Oia Spain 30 km

So we’ll see how this goes I’ll post some text then go back and try to add pictures. We left this morning fueled by scrambled eggs bread and yogurt with hard boiled eggs as trail snacks. The first segment was about 10 km to Caminha Portugal where we took a ferry across into Spain. We got a final “stamp” in Portugal and boarded the open top ferry to Maritimo Spain. Then we split with our friends Ginny and Benny and took two different routes to A Guarda. They walked a serene coastal route 3km further but we walked a shorter 3.8km route up and over a mountain. I think we goofed. Lunch in A Guarda after backtracking a kilometer and then set off along the coast to Oia Spain. Generally we walked a path either of prepared surface or a track in rocky coastal area about a quarter mile from a roaring vivid blue ocean pounding against rock formations. The last 14km was pretty much bring what you need wit respect to snacks and water and we finally arrived in Oia just after 6pm having benefited from a a time change to one hour later. Both of us now are enjoying blisters on several toes and one on a heal, and we’re deciding to dial back the distances about 10km per day to something closer to 20km to give us a chance to heal up a bit. Dinner tonight was a “pilgrim meal” a set meat of soup and bread and a fish or meat dish with potatoes. We also added a salad and only ordered on meat dish to split. Oh and wine and water to help rehydration. At dinner we met a great father son combo from Austin Texas Via Minneapolis and New Delhi who were walking the same route as us but using a service to plan and book hotel. This is great as they’re doing this together and they said it’s the only time the could do this with work and Carnegie Mellon MBA school. So tomorrow we’re shooting for Baiona Spain about 17km as we are caving in to our pain and suffering from our feet. So far it’s been a good walk save the blisters. 20km, 29km, 27km, 20km and 30 again today.  So I’ll try to post this now and upload some pictures but wanted to get some words on the web so to speak.  Arrivederci or what may be appropriate. Later friends.

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