Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday May 29th Oia to Baiona Spain about 18km

After a good nights sleep we awoke and took care of blisters and repacked the backpacks before going to the cafeteria in the basement of the hotel A Raina. We had yogurt, fruit, bread and local cheese, orange juice and coffee con leche’. 

As we departed it was about 8:15 and the sun hadn’t risen over the mountain to our east so it was a different experience than what we’ve had for the last several days.  
 Walking north just off the rough rocky shoreline we passed through, or nearby Viladesuso and then Mougas. We continued north along the shore alternating walking on the highway shoulder or, more safely and easier on the feet, cleared paths to As Marinas where we started a zigzag climb over a small mountain.

When we got almost to 
the top we stopped for water and all of us noticed how it was raining inside our shirts. We could feel droplets of sweat was running down underneath them.  After a 5 minute break it was back on the trail and on to our next discovery, what appeared to be ancient cart wheel tracks that were carved into the rocks of an old Roman path/road.   In one of the pictures I will try to upload you’ll see a walking stick in the cut in the rocks for depth perspective. The depth at this point was about 18 inches. The remaining 5km into Baiona generally followed roads and through streets of the outer and inner city past several old (by our standards) churches dating to the early 1500s , XVII being carved into two of the these. Our place of domicile was built in 1865 so it’s fairly recent and directly across the street from the harbor where in 1493 one of the Caravelle ships came back from the new world with news of great discovery. 

Here in Baiona there are several fortifications and castles like buildings, many more than time permits to see. Also here, the water well Pozo Aquada where the crew of the Pinta of Christopher Columbus took on water for their journey across the seas (not knowing if the water in the new world would be drinkable) either to fall off the edge or find a great new world. 

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